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French vocabulary list about animals: les animaux
Learning animals names in French language is a great asset in terms of vocabulary. Whether you want to talk about your favorite animal, the pets you own or even develop your understanding of documentaries related to the wild world, this will come in handy.
In this lesson, I will share with you a useful vocabulary list of animals in French with their English translation, all names classified depending on the category they belong to.
This lesson gives you the vocabulary necessary to memorize animals names in French, but if you want to develop your French vocabulary and listening skills in a fun way, Lingopie might work well for you. I love the way, you can learning a lot by simply watching your favorite movies and TV shows. What I like the most is the possibility to read the script in my target language and click on the words I don't know and learn them. I use it for English and this helps me improve my vocabulary and listening skills, especially with the flashcards features that I can use to review the new words. If you're interested, you can take the 7-day free trial. I am sure you would like too. And if you are lucky that their promo is still on, you might get 70% off.
1. Les animaux de compagnie / animaux domestiques: pets
The French word for a pet is un animal de compagnie or un animal domestique.. In the plural, it becomes des animaux de compagnie ou domestiques.
Here is a list of common pets that you can find in people's house.
Le chien => dog
Le chat => cat
La souris =>mouse
Le hamster =>hamster
La tortue => tortue
Le Lapin => rabbit
Le perroquet => parrot
Le poisson rouge => goldfish
2. Les animaux de la ferme: farm animals
These are the names of animals that you can find in a regular French farm.
La poule =>hen
Le coq => rooster
Le mouton => sheep
La chèvre => goat
La vache => cow
Le canard => duck
Le cochon => pig
La dinde => turkey
Le cheval => horse
L’âne => donkey
3. Les animaux sauvages: wild animals
Wild animals can be found in the forest, in nature, zoos, or observed in safaris.
Below is a list of the animals categorized as wild animals.
L'oiseau => bird
Le hibou => owl
Le lion => lion
Le tigre => Tiger
L éléphant => éléphant
La girafe => giraffe
Le léopard => leopard
Le guépard => cheetah
L'hippopotame => hippopotamus
Le rhinocéros => rhinoceros
Le chameau => Camel
l'ours => bear
La hyène => hyena
Le lièvre => hare
le singe => monkey
Le gorille => gorilla
Le chimpanzé => chimpanzee
Le zèbre => zébra
L'antilope => antelope
Le cerf => deer
L'écureuil => squirrel
Le loup => wolf
Le renard => fox

4. Sea animals : les animaux marins
The equivalent English to French translation of sea animals is les animaux marins or les animaux aquatiques for water animals.
Le poisson => fish
La baleine => whale
Le requin => shark
Le dauphin => daulphin
La crevette => shrimp
Le homard => lobster
Le crabe => crab
L étoile de mer => Starfish
La méduse => Jellyfish
L'anguille(f) => eel
l'hippocampe => sea horse
la pieuvre => octopus
le calamar => squid
le phoque => seal
5. Reptiles : les reptiles
Le serpent => snake
Le lézard => lizard
Le crapaud => toad
La grenouille => frog
La tortue => turtle
Le crocodile => crocodile
Le caméléon => chameleon
6. Les insectes: insects
L'araignée => spider
La mouche => fly
La fourmi => ant
Le criquet => cricket, locust
La mante religieuse => praying mantis
L’abeille => bee
La guêpe => wasp
Le papillon => butterfly
Le moustique => mosquito
Le cafard => cockroach
La coccinelle => ladybug
7. Quiz to practice your French animal vocabulary
Here is a practice exercise for you to check your knowledge about animals in French language. Take the quiz below and happy learning !
For more exercises, check out this language learning directory My language learning hub
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