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How to describe weather in French (La météo)
3. Useful words about the weather
To be confortable talking about the weather, you need to know some keywords of this vocabulary list; at least the main verbs like faire /pleuvoir (to rain), adjectives like hot (chaud) /cold (froid) and the cardinal points like east/west.
la météo : weather/weather forecasting
le temps : weather
le soleil : sun
la chaleur : heat
le froid : cold
la canicule : heat wave
les saisons (f) : seasons
les nuages (m) : clouds
la pluie : rain
le vent : wind
le brouillard : fog
l'orage (m) : thunderstorm
la tempête : storm
la neige : snow
l'ouragan (m) : hurricane
le cyclone : cyclone
le tonnerre : thunder
les éclairs (m) : lightnings
l'inondation (f) : flood
la grêle : hail
la mousson : monsoon
pleuvoir : to rain
faire : to do
avoir : to have
sec/sèche : dry
humide : humid
nord : north
Sud : south
est : east
ouest : west
1. What is the weather in French?
Talking about the weather is one of the most common topics when you don't know what to discuss. It's good to know how to bring up the subject. So, what's the weather in French?
Weather in French can be translated as la météo or le temps which also means time in French.
To ask about the weather you can ask the following questions:
Il fait quel temps? => What is the weather like?
Il fait quelle température? => What is the temperature?
Quel temps fait-il?
Quelle température fait-il?

2. How to say the weather in French?
To reply you can use the vocabulary in the infographic below with the following combination, to describe the weather.
Il fait + adverb
Il fait beau => the weather is nice
Il fait mauvais => the weather is bad
il fait chaud => it is hot
il fait froid => it is cold
Il fait frais => It is cool
Il + conjugated verb
Il pleut => it is raining
il neige => It is snowing
il vente => it is windy
Il y a + du / de la/ de l' / des
Il y a du vent => it's windy
Il y a de l'orage => It is stormy
Il y a des nuages => It is cloudy
Il y a de la pluie => It is rainy
Le temps est + adjectif
Le temps est pluvieux => The weather is rainy
Le temps est nuageux => The weather is cloudy
Le temps est orageux => The weather is stormy
Le temps est ensoleillé => The weather is sunny
To speak about the temperature, you'll use Il fait+ Nombre+ degrés.
Il fait 30 degrés. => it's 30 degrees.
🤚 Note that we use degree Celcius in France.
4. Expressions about weather
Weather is often used in idiomatic expressions. If you encounter expressions like
"Il fait un froid de canard" or "Il fait un froid de chien", then you should understand that it means in fact it is very cold.
There are numerous expressions related to French weather. I will dedicate a special post on them very soon.
5. Practice your knowledge about French weather
Practice makes perfect. To help you check your knowledge of the French weather vocabulary, we have designed the Quiz bellow. Take it to see how well you know la météo and make sure you have at least 6/8.