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The 12 Zodiac signs in French - Les signes du Zodiaque

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

In common conversations, you are often asked about your astrological sign. If you don't know how to reply, don't worry. Here is a short lesson about how to say your zodiac sign in French language and ways to reply.

From now, you will enjoy discussing your horoscope with your Francophone friends.

Zodiac signs in French language

This lesson gives you the vocabulary necessary to talk about your horoscope signs but if you want to take your learning further, and maybe take live lessons with native speakers, in a structured way, we recommend Lingoda. Lingoda is an online language school with affordable and effective group classes and private classes starting from 13 euros per class, with well-designed PDF lessons that you can easily follow during classes. Luckily, anyone can try Lingoda, 7 days for free, and see if it's something for you or not. You can access the free trial here, which allows you to have access to 3 group lessons or one private lesson, your choice! And if you like challenges, you might want to try the Lingoda sprint. You will get 50% or 100% cash back if you attend all the classes you subscribed for.

In case you like fun learning, our best recommendation would be Lingopie. Their subtitles and flashcard features make it easier for you to develop your vocabulary and listening skills while having fun watching your favorite TV show or movie. They have a 7-day free trial if you would like to test the platform.

The Zodiac signs in French (les signes du Zodiaque en français).

The table below shows the names of the Zodiac signs in French, with their equivalent translation in English and related dates. For instance, a Gemini is called in French "gémeaux" which means twins. Les gémeaux are born between the months of May and June.

Some of the signs are animal names: for instance, le taureau (bull), le bélier (ram), les Poissons (fish), while others are a sickness name (le Cancer) or represent a scale (la Balance).

🛑Just be careful while using the phrase "I am virgo". Make sure you use it in the context of zodiac signs. Otherwise, it can be translated in French as "I am virgin".

​Signes du Zodiaque en français

Zodiac signs in English

Dates in French



21 mars au 20 Avril



21 avril au 20 mai



21 mai au 21 juin



22 juin au 22 juillet



23 juillet au 22 août



23 août au 22 septembre



23 septembre au 22 octobre



23 octobre au 22 novembre



23 novembre au 21 décembre



22 décembre au 20 janvier



21 janvier au 19 février



20 février au 20 mars

Here are the star signs with their symbols in an infographic. Feel free to save it for later.

How to ask someone's horoscope sign in French?

If you want to know the horoscope sign of a friend, you can ask the following questions :

  • Quel est ton signe ?

  • C'est quoi ton signe? (informal)

  • Quel est ton signe astrologique?

  • Tu es de quel signe?

You can also use the vous personnal pronoun. For instance, vous êtes de quel signe, or quel est votre signe?

If ever you want to know your horoscope, you can ask the following questions :

  • " Quel est l'horoscope des scorpions?" => What is the horoscope of Scorpios?

  • Que dit l'horoscope des Scorpions ? => What does the Scorpios' horoscope say?

The person holding the newspapers or reading the horoscope will tell you what is predicted for people born between October and November.

How to say "I am Leo", "Libra" or "Aquarius"?

To say your horoscope sign, it is very easy if you know how to conjugate the verb être in present tense.

You just need to reply as the following : Je suis+ Signe

Examples :

  • Je suis Lion => I am Leo

  • Je suis Balance => I am Libra

  • Je suis du vierge => I am Virgo

There is another way of replying using the preposition "de+ the definite article" but it is not used as often as the one above.

That mostly replys to the question " Tu es de quel signe?"

To avoid repetitions like " Je suis du signe du Lion", you can directly say "Je suis du Lion". But you will agree with me that the first one "Je suis Lion" is easy to use and remember and you don't need to worry about which definite article to use.

The 4 elements of astrology and the horoscope signs

Our horoscope signs can be classified depending on the element they belong to. Here are the four elements of astrology :

  • les signes d'eau (water signs) : Cancer, Scorpion, Poissons

  • les signes d'air (air signs) : Gémeaux, Balance, Verseau

  • les signes de terre (earth signs) : Taureau, Vierge, Capricorne

  • les signes de feu (fire signs) : Bélier, Lion, Sagittaire

If you want to remember the 12 zodiac signs, read this article where a mnemotechnic is proposed, to help you remember them with their dates.

For more practice, check out Lingoda's online classes to learn with native French speakers. Or check out the Lingoda review.

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