Pouvoir is one of the most commonly used French verbs. I like to say that it is a powerful verb as it has the power to unlock lots of expressions to enhance your vocabulary. Whether you want to say can, be able to, may, might or even ask for permission or be polite, you can just use the same verb pouvoir, as you wish.
In this lesson, you will learn the different uses of the verb pouvoir in French, as well as its conjugation in some key tenses that we use daily like the present, future, past tense, subjunctive, ...

Different ways to use the verb Pouvoir in French
The verb pouvoir is one of the most commonly used verbs in the French language. It is an irregular verb like prendre or faire, belonging to the third group. Pouvoir means "can" or "to be able to". In other terms, it means the ability or capacity to do something. However, in some contexts, pouvoir can be translated as knowing how to do something or used to express permission or politeness.
Let's see it in detail with concrete examples.
Pouvoir as can or to be able to
The first meaning of pouvoir is can or to be able to in English. It conveys the idea of capability and ability to do something.
Examples :
Je peux lire une tonne de bouquins par mois. I can read tons of books per month.
Je peux nager sur le dos. => I can swim on the back.
In the last sentence, pouvoir can be replaced by the verb savoir (to know). Its translation will then be " I know how to swim on the back".
In some contexts, it can also express an interdiction, or something you are not allowed to do. Example: Vous ne pouvez pas entrez ici. =>You cannot enter here.
Pouvoir as May
Generally, French people use the verb pouvoir to ask or give permission. In that case, it can be translated as May.
Puis-je emprunter votre stylo? => May I borrow your pen? /Can I borrow your pen?
Puis-je sortir avec mes amis ce week-end? => May I go out with my friends this weekend?
For the last sentence, you may also use this formulation: Je peux sortir aves mes amis ce week-end? This formulation would be better for an informal conversation like it is here: parents and kids.
Using the phrase "puis-je" might seem unfamiliar to you, regarding what you have learned about ways to ask questions in French. You have certainly learned about the inversion of the verb and subject. However, le verbe pouvoir is quite particular as things don't really work as you were told, for the first person of singular (je). You can't say for instance Peux-je vous aider? But you should say instead Puis-je vous aider? => May I help you?

Pouvoir as might
Pouvoir can express the possibility, the chances that something happens. In that case, it is equivalent to the English counterpart "might". The reflexive form " Il se peut "is often used to express the possibility. It should be followed with subjunctive tense.
Examples :
Il se peut que je sois en retard. => I might be late.
Je pourrais venir plus tôt. => I might come earlier
Pouvoir used for politeness
To be polite, you can use conditional tense or the inversion form of pouvoir.
Examples :
Pourrais-je avoir une serviette s'il vous plaît? => May I have a towel please?
Pourriez-vous me dire où se trouve le métro? => Could you tell me where is the subway?
Pouvoir used to blame or make a reproach to someone
To make a reproach or subtly blame someone, you can use the verb pouvoir in past conditional tense. However, if you haven't reached level B1 in French yet, don't worry about how to conjugate the past conditional. Just remember this phrase. Tu aurais pu+infinive or vous auriez pu +infinitive => you could have ...
Examples :
Tu aurais pu m'appeler. => You could have called me.
Vous auriez pu nous dire la vérité. => You could have tolds us the truth.
Pouvoir as a noun
In this context, the gender of the word pouvoir is masculine: "le pouvoir. And it is a noun, not a verb.
Examples :
La recherche du pouvoir est souvent source de conflits. => The pursuit of power is often source of conflicts.
Le pouvoir d'achat est très faible dans les pays pauvres. => The purchasing power is very low in poor countries.
How to conjugate the verb pouvoir in French?
Here are conjugation charts of the verb pouvoir in the French language for the main tenses like the present, future, Passé composé, imperfect, conditional, and subjunctive tenses.
You will notice that it might sometimes be difficult to translate the verb pouvoir in English. For instance, the imperfect tense, passé composé, and conditional can all be translated by "could". However, the context and the meaning given to the word "could" will be the guide for better understanding.
Conjugation of Pouvoir in present tense
Conjugaison en français | English equivalent |
Je peux | I can, I am able to |
Tu peux | You can, you are able to |
Il/elle peut | He or she can, He or she is able to |
Nous pouvons | We can, We are able to |
Vous pouvez | You can, You are able to |
Ils/elles peuvent | They can, they are able to |
Exemple : Elle peut danser la salsa. => She can dance salsa.

To be able in French future tense (futur simple)
Conjugaison en français | English equivalent |
Je pourrai | I will be able to |
Tu pourras | You will be able to |
Il/elle pourra | He or she will be able to |
Nous pourrons | We will be able to |
Vous pourrez | You will be able to |
Ils/elles pourront | They will be able to |
Example : Tu pourras venir à Dakar pour les vacances? => Will you be able to come to Dakar for vaca
"Can" in the imperfect tense (imparfait)
In the imperfect tense, Je peux can be translated as I could, I was able to, or I used to be able to.
Conjugaison en français | English equivalent |
Je pouvais | I could , I was able to |
Tu pouvais | You could, You were able to |
Il/elle pouvait | He or she could, he or she was able to |
Nous pouvions | We could, We were able to |
Vous pouviez | You could, You were able to |
Ils/elles pouvaient | They could, they were able to |
Exemple : Elle pouvait passer des heures devant son ordinateur portable. => She could spend hours in front of her laptop.
The verb Pouvoir in passé composé
The past participle of the irregular verb pouvoir in French is "pu". It is conjugated with the auxiliary "avoir" in passé composé.
Conjugaison en français | English equivalent |
J'ai pu | I could, I was able to |
Tu as pu | You could, You were able to |
Il/Elle a pu | He or she could, He or she was able to |
Nous avons pu | We could, We were able to |
Vous avez pu | You could, You were able to |
Ils/elles ont pu | They could, they were able to |
Exemple : Nous avons pu arriver à temps. => We were able to arrive on time. / We managed to arrive on time.
Pouvoir au conditionnel présent
The pronunciation of the first person of future tense and conditional present is exactly the same. A l'oral, je pourrai = je pourrais [puʁɛ]
Conjugaison en français | English equivalent |
Je pourrais | I could |
Tu pourrais | You could |
Il/elle pourrait | He or she could |
Nous pourrions | We could |
Vous pourriez | You could |
Ils/elles pourraient | They could |
Ex: Pourriez-vous me m'indiquer le lieu du mariage? => Could you indicate me the place of the wedding?
Pouvoir in subjunctive present
Conjugaison en français | English Equivalent |
Que je puisse | That I can |
Que tu puisses | That you can |
Qu'il/elle puisse | That he or she can |
Que nous puissions | That we can |
Que vous puissiez | That you can |
Qu'ils/elles puissent | That they can |
Example: Il faut que tu puisses parler espagnol avant d'aller en Espagne. => It is essential that you speak Spanish before you travel to Spain.
Common French phrases and expressions with pouvoir
Here are useful French sentences that include the verb pouvoir with their meaning in English.
Peut-être : maybe
Vouloir c'est pouvoir => Literally means To want is to be able => When there is a will, there is a way
Je n'en peux plus => I can't take it anymore.
Je n'y peux rien => There is nothing I can do about it.
Je peux vous aider? => May I help you?
Vous pouvez répéter s'il vous plait? => Can you repeat please?
Tu peux parler plus fort? => Can you speak louder?
Je peux parler français. => I can speak French
Exercise for more practice on the verb pouvoir
Review pouvoir in the present tense
Finished learning? How well do you know the conjugation in present tense? Take the quiz to make sure you learned something new. And do not hesitate to share this post with your friends. we appreciate it.
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