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Grammar is one of the foundations of any language. Here is a list of grammar lessons for beginner and intermediate level. The knowledge of subjects like the gender of a noun,  the use of adjectives, adverbs and common tenses will be very useful to someone trying to get a grasp of French grammar. These lessons are  presented in an easy digest style with infographics that gives  you a clear idea of how to use these grammar rules. They are often accompanied with practice exercises and all these lessons are delivered to you for free. They are a great guide for someone just starting to learn French, intermediate or has some knowledge and might want to review the grammar rules.

Learn how to conjugate regular verbs ending with ER and IR in the present tense

Learn the basics for building your sentence, the French personal pronouns for I, you, he, she, we, and they in French

Confused with the use of the French possessives mon, ma, mes? Then, check out this !

Near future or Futur proche in French is the way to say going to. The details on how to use this tense are given to you !

Do you know how to say this, that in French? Here are  the answers to your  questions !

A reflexive verb is a verb used with a reflexive pronoun and the subject makes the action on himself. Learn here how to use it!

Learn how to say and pronounce numbers from 0 to 100 in French !

Learn how to say, write and abbreviate  ordinal numbers like premier (first), deuxième (second), and more. 

Discover in which contexts you should use simple future tense in French and how to form it for regular and irregular verbs.

Learn in a funny way, through a song, how to make negative sentences with ne pas, ne plus, ne rien, and more.

Definite, indefinite or partitive articles. Which one to use and when? Read this to get a  clear understanding of it.

Learn what is l'imparfait or the French imperfect tense, when to use it, how to conjugate it, and master all its specificities.

In this lesson you will learn strategies that will help you determine when a French noun is feminine or masculine.

Learn how to ask questions in French with est-ce que and qu'est-ce que and learn the difference between them.

The passé composé is the most used past tense in French. It is used with the auxiliary avoir or être. check out how to use it.

Conjunctions of coordination like Mais, ou, et, donc, or, ni and car. are useful words that help link ideas  in a sentence.

Learn how to give commands, advice or invitation with the imperative mood.

How to  say the French prepositions of place  equivalent to the English "on, under, above, below, in between, in, ..."

What is the difference between "tu" and "vous"?

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  • Lingoda -  Well structured lessons with a communicative approach

  • Lingopie - Best for learning with TV



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