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A guide to the French demonstrative adjectives : ce, cet,cette and ces
This, these, that, those, how do you translate these 4 demonstrative adjectives in French?
Keep on reading to find out about ce, cette, cet and ces, with examples of use. Also take the interactive exercise for checking your knowledge. I tried to make it a simplified guide to make your learning easier.

1. What is a demonstrative adjective?
Like in English, a demonstrative adjective in French is a word used to point at someone or something : this, that, these, those. Just like a possessive adjective, It is a determiner which is placed before the noun and can replace articles. It agrees in gender and number with the noun.
There are four demonstrative adjectives in French: 3 for singular nouns and 1 for plural.
2. How do you say this and that in French?
There are 3 words that mean this or that : ce, cet, cette. Their use depend on the gender of the noun
If the noun is masculine, then you should use ce. Example : ce garcon => this boy; ce vélo => this bicycle.
If the noun is masculine but starts with a vowel or silent H, then you should use Cet. Example : Cet enfant => this child; cet homme => this man.
If the noun is feminine, then you should use cette. Example : Cette fille => this girl, Cette école => this school.
Remark : for feminine nouns whether the noun starts with a vowel or not, you should use Cette.
The word "This" can have another translation in French which would be "ça" . However, this is a pronoun and not an adjective, so we won't focus on that in this lesson.
Example: Tu aimes ça? Means "Do you like this" ?
The same goes for that. That can also mean qui or que which are relative pronouns.
Example: L'homme que j'ai rencontré est gentil. => The man that I have met is kind.
3. These and those in French language
The translation for these and those in French is ces no matter the gender of the noun. Example: ces fleurs (f) => these flowers, ces enfants (m) => these kids.
Depending on the position of the object (close or far), we can add the suffixes ci or là to the demonstrative adjectives to give more precision.
Example : Ce livre-ci => this book , ce livre-là =that book.
4. Practice the demonstrative adjectives with exercises
Practice with our interactive exercise below to make sure you are able to use perfectly the demonstrative adjectives in French.
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