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How to tell the names of countries in the French language
D'ou viens-tu or Where are you from, here is a question where you will need to tell about your country in French. You will also be talking about countries in your geography class or while using a world map. So, learning the names of countries will get you ready to have a successful conversation.
In this lesson, you will learn the names of some common countries with their articles and English translation.
1. A country and a continent in French
Before making a list of countries in the French language, we will learn first the word for a country and a continent in French.
A country is translated in French as Un pays while a continent is exactly spelled the same way in French but pronounced differently: Un continent.
Countries and continents are part of the world (le monde) or the earth (la terre).
2. French articles and countries
It is relatively easy in most cases to tell the names of countries in French as they look alike in English. For instance, Italie stands for Italy, Australie for Australia. The only difference with English is that countries are generally used with the definite articles le, la, les or l'.
To use the right article, you need to know the gender of the country, whether it is feminine or masculine. Example: Le Mexique, la France, Les États-Unis, l'Espagne.
The article l' is used in front of a country starting with a vowel-like with Espagne, Italie, ...

3. List of common countries in French
This is not a full list of countries. However you can find most of the continents: European countries, asian, african, ...
I have purposely chosen to list some common countries around the globe. The presence of letter "m" means it is a masculine country and "f" is for feminine.
English => French
Algeria => l'Algérie (f)
Argentina => l'Argentine (f)
Australia => l'Australie (f)
Austria => l'Autriche (f)
Bahamas => les Bahamas
Belgium => la Belgique
Benin => le Bénin
Brazil => le Brésil
Burkina Faso => le Burkina Faso
Burma => la Birmanie
Burundi => le Burundi
Cambodia => le Cambodge
Cameroon => le Cameroun
Canada => le Canada
Chad => le Tchad
Chile => le Chili
China => la Chine
Congo => le Congo
Côte d'Ivoire => la Côte d'Ivoire
Croatia => la Croatie
Czech Republic => la République tchèque
Denmark => le Danemark
Egypt => l'Égypte (f)
England => l'Angleterre (f)
Ethiopia => l'Éthiopie (f)
France => la France
Germany => l'Allemagne (f)
Ghana => le Ghana
Greece => la Grèce
Haiti => Haïti
India => l'Inde (f)
Indonesia => l'Indonésie (f)
Iran => l'Iran (m)
Ireland => l'Irlande (f)
Italy => l'Italie (f)
Jamaica => la Jamaïque
Japan => le Japon
Kenya => le Kenya
Laos => le Laos
Lebanon => le Liban
Luxembourg => le Luxembourg
Madagascar => Madagascar
Malaysia => la Malaisie
Mexico => le Mexique
Morocco => le Maroc
Mozambique => le Mozambique
Netherlands => les Pays-Bas
Niger => le Niger
Nigeria => le Nigéria
North Korea => la Corée du Nord
Norway => la Norvège
Pakistan => le Pakistan
Philippines => les Philippines
Poland => la Pologne
Portugal => le Portugal
Russia => la Russie
Rwanda => le Rwanda
Saudi Arabia => l'Arabie saoudite (f)
Scotland => l'Écosse (f)
Senegal => le Sénégal
Singapore => Singapour
South Africa => l'Afrique du Sud (f)
South Korea => la Corée du Sud
Spain => l'Espagne (f)
Sri Lanka => le Sri Lanka
Sudan => le Soudan
Sweden => la Suède
Switzerland => la Suisse
Syria => la Syrie
Tanzania => la Tanzanie
Thailand => la Thaïlande
Togo => le Togo
Tunisia => la Tunisie
Turkey => la Turquie
United Arab Emirates => les Émirats arabes unis
United Kingdom => le Royaume-Uni
United States of America => les États-Unis
Vietnam => le Viêtnam
Wales => le pays de Galles
Zimbabwe => le Zimbabwe
4. Learn more on Countries names with videos
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