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The French verb vouloir (to want): meaning and conjugation
The irregular French verb vouloir means to want but has many other meanings. Find out about them, its conjugation, and related expressions
Feb 8, 20234 min read

The passé composé with être: learning strategies
The passé composé with être learning strategies +exercise: opposite pairs, the house of être, Dr Mrs Vandertramp
Nov 18, 20225 min read

French Prepositions of place explained
French prepositions of place with examples and exercise: sur - sous - devant- derrière - dans - à - chez - entre
Oct 8, 20223 min read

A comprehensive guide to coordinating conjunctions in French
Learn about French coordinating conjunctions like Mais =but, ou = or, et = and, donc = so, therefore and practice with our exercise
Oct 1, 20223 min read

Asking for and giving directions in French: essential terms
Asking for and giving directions with examples and exercises. Common words: Où est where is, tout droit: straight, à gauche
Sep 13, 20226 min read

The powerful French verb pouvoir: conjugation and use
Pouvoir is a very useful French verb. It means can, or to be able to and can also be translated as May, or Might. Learn its use and conjug
Jul 8, 20225 min read

How the passé composé with avoir works + Practice exercises
What is Passé composé? How does it work? Learn the conjugation of the most commonly used past tense in French and get to practice
Jun 14, 20224 min read

6 Great French books for beginners' level
Searching for the perfect books to read as a beginner? Here is a compiled list of some great books to dive into as a French beginner!
Nov 18, 20213 min read

The French verb prendre and its derivatives : use and conjugation
Prendre, comprendre, apprendre ... How to use and conjugate the verb prendre, one of the most common French verbs and its derivatives?
Aug 15, 20214 min read

The French imperfect tense (l'imparfait) demystified
Learn what is l'imparfait or the French imperfect tense, when to use it, how to conjugate it, and master all its specificities.
Jul 28, 20213 min read

How to say you in French: a short explanation of Tu and Vous
In English, there is only one word for you, but in French, You can be translated by different words depending on the context : Tu, Vous,...
Nov 29, 20204 min read

Read this and you will avoid these 14 French common mistakes made by English speakers
Some people may consider making mistakes in French as a failure, but as for me it's an opportunity to do things better. Let's learn from ..
Oct 19, 20206 min read

Understanding French verbs conjugation: present tense of regular verbs
As seen previously, verbs are the root of the sentence. So it’s more than important to learn how to use them. We'll focus on regular verb
Oct 7, 20204 min read

The simple way of building French sentence Structure
While learning a language, we learn a lot of vocabulary and grammar rules. But One of the biggest challenge of is to be able to put all thes
Sep 11, 20204 min read

The French verb Avoir (to have in French) : conjugation and use
The verb avoir is one of the most important verb in French. Learning how to use it will make things easy when you will need to build ...
Aug 18, 20205 min read

Everything about French articles: definite, indefinite and partitives
One of the difficult parts for beginner French learners is using articles in French. Should you use a definite article, indefinite or parti
Aug 9, 20204 min read

C'est versus Il est : which one to choose?
In your learning journey, you have certainly learnt that C’est means it is and Il est is translated he is. But in some contexts you might
Jul 15, 20203 min read

How to conjugate easily the verb Être in French
One of the most important verbs in French is the verb Être which literally means To be. So make sure you know how to conjugate the verb Être
Jul 8, 20202 min read

How to ask questions in French like a Pro!
How to ask questions in French: questions with intonation, est-ce que, inversion, and questions words like quel
Jul 1, 20204 min read

French imperative conjugation (l'impératif): rules with examples
The Imperative mood is used in French to give commands, orders, advice, invitation or wish. It's like the English Do this, or don't do that.
Jun 4, 20204 min read
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